Tom's Clinical Water

Categories: Biomedical ScienceFlight Configuration


The Clinical Water System is a critical component of the International Space Station (ISS) that provides clean water for astronauts to drink, bathe, and perform experiments. The system is designed to remove impurities and contaminants from the water supply, ensuring that it meets the stringent health and safety standards required for human consumption

Tom made this project in his senior year and needs a team to help him make it ready for the ISS. The project involves testing the system in a microgravity environment to ensure that it functions correctly and meets all the necessary requirements for spaceflight. This includes conducting experiments to evaluate the system's performance, identifying any potential issues, and developing solutions to address them.

The team will work closely with Tom to design and implement the experiments, analyze the data, and make recommendations for improvements to the system. This project offers a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience with a real-world space system and contribute to the success of the ISS.

Interested on working with this project? Invite your school, coordinate with NASA admins, and Get started!

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