ISS Crew Footpads

Categories: Sewn Flight Articles


The ISS crew members have reported that the current footpads are uncomfortable and slippery. The footpads are used to prevent slipping and provide comfort while working in microgravity. The current footpads are made of a rubber material that is not comfortable and does not provide enough grip. The crew members have reported that the footpads are slippery and uncomfortable to stand on for long periods of time. The footpads are also difficult to clean and maintain. The crew members have requested new footpads that are more comfortable, provide better grip, and are easier to clean and maintain.

The current footpads are made of a rubber material that is not comfortable and does not provide enough grip. The crew members have reported that the footpads are slippery and uncomfortable to stand on for long periods of time. The footpads are also difficult to clean and maintain. The crew members have requested new footpads that are more comfortable, provide better grip, and are easier to clean and maintain.


Design and test new footpads for the ISS crew members that are more comfortable, provide better grip, and are easier to clean and maintain. The footpads should be made of a material that is comfortable to stand on for long periods of time and provides enough grip to prevent slipping. The footpads should also be easy to clean and maintain. The footpads should be designed to fit the current footpad holders on the ISS and should be compatible with the current footpad cleaning and maintenance procedures.

Interested on working with this project? Invite your school, coordinate with NASA admins, and Get started!

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