
Develop in the horizon of space.

Students work directly with NASA to build cutting-edge software for the International Space Station.

Software built by students helps solve real-world problems using the agile software engineering cycle, with teams focusing on programming, design, quality assurance, and testing.

Software remains a critical component of NASA, from powering mission-critical systems that power the ISS, to this student-created website that you are currently viewing. Students in the software program work on projects that are used by NASA and the astronauts aboard the ISS.


Lunar, Mars, and Space Station Facility Environmental Control and Sensor Alarm System

A comprehensive Control System, software, and sensors for managing and controlling the environment in a 2-3 room smart building, off-planet.

Cosmic Calendar

A project to develop a cosmic calendar that addresses the challenges of scheduling events, meetings, and experiments across different celestial bodies.

Using AI to synthesize medical data

Using AI to synthesize medical data for space exploration.

Next Generation Website

A project to create a Next Generation Website for NASA HUNCH, offering a seamless user experience by combining multiple existing websites into a single platform.

Personal Astronaut Assistant in Space

The Personal Astronaut Assistant is a portable system designed to revolutionize the way astronauts work and live in space, providing task support, health monitoring, companionship, lab assistance, and entertainment functions.

Psychological Evaluation Using AI

A project focused on using cutting-edge technology to assess the mood and emotions of astronauts during long-duration space missions, revolutionizing space exploration.

Defending the Smart Lunar Building - Cyber Security for Control Systems

Protecting smart lunar buildings and space-bound structures from cyber attacks is crucial for ensuring the safety and integrity of data, systems, and communications.

Space-based Medical Inventory System

Our Space-based Medical Inventory System is a comprehensive solution for managing medical supplies in space exploration missions, ensuring the health and safety of astronauts.

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