Design & Prototype

Design the next idea out of this world.

All students can develop innovative solutions to problems in the International Space Station. Many of the projects are items personally requested by the ISS Crew to ease living, giving students the opportunity to make an impact on the lives of Astronauts. Others may come from Flight Crew Systems and Operational groups at NASA that need more idea development.

This wide swath of student-led ideas allows us to pull in the best ideas at each center, bringing students together nationwide to collaborate and present the very best they can offer at our Design Reviews. This year, we are preparing a new schedule of design reviews to help keep the process moving forward and bring the best ideas to the forefront. Our goal is to bring the best ideas from each project together for a final review at Johnson Space Center.

How NASA Uses Design & Prototype

Every NASA project starts with an idea. These ideas are the frontier of innovation and are the first step in creating a new product. The Design & Prototype program allows NASA to gather a wide range of ideas from students across the country and bring them together to create the best possible solution to a problem.

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